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Ensure species at risk and isolated native fish populations are not impacted and aquatic invasive species are controlled." }, { "code": "goal_rip", "name": "Improve riparian health<\/b>: Increase native plants along the water's edge for temperature regulation, erosion and flood control, filtering of contaminants, and input of food and fallen trees for cover." }, { "code": "goal_ais", "name": "Aquatic invasive species<\/b>: Control or eradicate aquatic invasive species that affect fish and fish habitat." }, { "code": "goal_comp", "name": "Complementary measures<\/b>: Support actions to maintain or enhance the conservation and protection of fish and fish habitat." }, { "code": "goal_other", "name": "Please specify your \"other<\/b>\" restoration goal" } ] }, "name": "goal_point", "length": 255, "alias": "Select one restoration goal theme that your new restoration action would support:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": { "name": "service_bae4d8f818884a2abe37a30e2008acc1_cvd_subgoal_habitat", "type": "codedValue", "codedValues": [ { "code": "1.1", "name": "Improve refuges for native fish species, especially for Species at Risk and important species." }, { "code": "1.2", "name": "Improve physical in-water features that act as spawning, nursery, rearing, overwintering and feeding habitat for native species especially for Species at Risk and important species." }, { "code": "1.3", "name": "Use nature-minded solutions to improve condition of spawning habitat and juvenile cover." }, { "code": "1.4", "name": "Improve and stabilize coastal and near-shore fish habitat using natural solutions that may consider changes in climate and extreme weather." }, { "code": "1.5", "name": "Improve in-land wetlands connected to fish habitat." }, { "code": "1.6", "name": "Improve in-stream fish habitat in municipal and agricultural drains with approaches that would not be impacted by regular maintenance works." }, { "code": "1.7", "name": "Improve coastal wetlands with associated fish habitat." } ] }, "name": "subgoal_habitat", "length": 255, "alias": "Select One Improve In-Water Habitat Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": { "name": "service_bae4d8f818884a2abe37a30e2008acc1_cvd_subgoal_barriers", "type": "codedValue", "codedValues": [ { "code": "2.1", "name": "Improve fish passage in municipal and agricultural drains that contain fish and fish habitat." }, { "code": "2.2", "name": "Address existing watercourse crossings where fish passage is compromised to accommodate fish passage, natural flow and sediment regimes." }, { "code": "2.3", "name": "Improve natural river processes of sediment and water movement (e.g. restore bank full width and channel depth of river)." }, { "code": "2.4", "name": "Address dams, weirs or other human-made barriers that prevent passage of fish where barriers are not beneficial (ie. prevent movement of AIS). This may include measure to facilitate fish passage." }, { "code": "2.5", "name": "Improve connections between waterbodies; floodplains, wetlands, and riparian areas." } ] }, "name": "subgoal_barriers", "length": 255, "alias": "Select One Address Barriers, Connection, and Flow Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": { "name": "service_bae4d8f818884a2abe37a30e2008acc1_cvd_subgoal_riparian", "type": "codedValue", "codedValues": [ { "code": "3.1", "name": "Improve temperature conditions in cold-water streams by planting the upper reaches of the watershed for climate resilience." }, { "code": "3.2", "name": "Connect sections of natural plant cover along watercourses." }, { "code": "3.3", "name": "Increase planted zone width to stabilize banks for improved fish habitat, with consideration to changing flow conditions." }, { "code": "3.4", "name": "Improve shoreline and bank plantings to provide suitable habitat for important fishes." }, { "code": "3.5", "name": "Improve bank stabilization with bioengineering and vegetation in municipal and agricultural drains that contain fish and fish habitat." } ] }, "name": "subgoal_riparian", "length": 255, "alias": "Select One Improve Riparian Health Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": { "name": "service_bae4d8f818884a2abe37a30e2008acc1_cvd_subgoal_comp", "type": "codedValue", "codedValues": [ { "code": "5.1", "name": "Research on Species at Risk or important species (habitat identification, fish abundance and population demographics, etc)." }, { "code": "5.2", "name": "Monitoring, such as effectiveness monitoring, and inventory monitoring." }, { "code": "5.3", "name": "Local stewardship and public education programs to increase awareness of and actions related to restoration efforts, aquatic invasive species (e.g. Clean, Drain, Dry and Don't Let it Loose) and species at risk to new audiences." }, { "code": "5.4", "name": "Manage activities that are inhibiting survival and recovery of aquatic species at risk, such as recreational use of ATVs in water." }, { "code": "5.5", "name": "Develop strategies and implement coordinated conservation plans for key areas." }, { "code": "5.6", "name": "Research on aquatic invasive species to understand species interactions and to improve management strategies." }, { "code": "5.7", "name": "Early detection of aquatic invasive species." }, { "code": "5.8", "name": "Aquatic invasive species watercraft inspection and/or decontamination stations at key marinas and harbours." } ] }, "name": "subgoal_comp", "length": 255, "alias": "Select One Complementary Measures Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": { "name": "service_bae4d8f818884a2abe37a30e2008acc1_cvd_subgoal_ais", "type": "codedValue", "codedValues": [ { "code": "4.1", "name": "Manage the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species that impact fish and fish habitat." }, { "code": "4.2", "name": "Eradicate or control aquatic invasive plant species that impact fish and fish habitat." }, { "code": "4.2.1", "name": "Eradicate or control invasive fish / crayfish / mussel species that impact fish and fish habitat." }, { "code": "4.3", "name": "Exclude aquatic invasive species from sensitive or critical habitats." } ] }, "name": "subgoal_ais", "length": 255, "alias": "Select One Aquatic Invasive Species Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "other_goal_point", "length": 255, "alias": "Please Specify your \"Other\" Restoration Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "goal_desc_point", "length": 1000, "alias": "Describe your new restoration action.", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": 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