{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "WhaleInsightCanadianManagementAreas_En", "guid": "1888B059-ADAB-47AE-A203-CEC61EA5C29D", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "WhaleInsight Canadian Management Measures Layers", "description": "
Areas subject to fishing closure protocol:<\/span><\/p> This polygon shapefile outlines the areas subject to the temporary fishing closure protocol, with boundaries on the Labrador coast, the Grand Banks, the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Bay of Fundy.North Atlantic Right Whale sightings in this zone may lead to management measures taking effect<\/span><\/p> WhaleInsight Canadian Management Areas including:<\/span><\/p> 1. Critical habitat areas<\/span><\/p> 2. Management Grid<\/span><\/p> 3. <\/span>Fishing management areas<\/span><\/a><\/p> 4. <\/span>Fishing depth contours (10 and 20 fathom) <\/span><\/a><\/p> 5. <\/span>Shipping management areas<\/span><\/a><\/p>