Description: Classifications include: - Tidal Scoured Mixed Sediments (Glacial till - boulders or cobble with high roundness and low angularity)- Mixed Sediments (Glacial Till - < 50% boulders or bedrock with mixed sediments of cobble, gravel and sand) - Gravelly Sand (Sand with 5–30% gravel)- Sand (> 90% Sand)- Silty Gravel with Anemones (> 50% gravel with silt and Anemones)- Silt (> 90% Silt) and Bedrock and Boulders (> 50% bedrock or boulders).Unsupervised classification process is as follows:1. Image objects were produced using eCognition software (segmentation layer found in the UnsupervisedClassification_shapefiles/Segmentation_eCognition) using bathymetry and backscatter only.2. Fuzzy c-means algorithm was applied (using PPCLUST package in R) to the segmentation layer and environmental variables to get acoutic classes (#1-14 - number of clusters were optimized at 14). 3. Bottom types from in-situ video were classified using a benthoscape classification method. 10 images at 10 meter intervals from each station were extracted and analysed.4. Benthoscape classes from groundtruthed video data were then matched to the acoustic classes in an error matrix.
Copyright Text: Wilson, B.R., Brown, C.J., Sameoto, J.A., Lacharite, M., Redden, A. (2021).
Mapping seafloor habitats in the Bay of Fundy to assess macrofaunal assemblages associated with Modiolus modiolus beds. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 252.